বুধবার, ২৩ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

LInux utility

1. For closing a freezed program

Press ALT+F2 then run xkill command . Then a cross will appear at mouse cursor . Place this cursor to freezed program tab .

2. For deleting files of a specific type

find . -name "*.o" -type f -delete

শনিবার, ১২ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

Getting started with latex in ubuntu simple

  1. apt-get install texlive (for ubuntu)
    The foundations of the rigorous study of \emph{analysis}
    were laid in the nineteenth century, notably by the
    mathematicians Cauchy and Weierstrass. Central to the
    study of this subject are the formal definitions of
    \emph{limits} and \emph{continuity}.
    Let $D$ be a subset of $\bf R$ and let
    $f \colon D \to \mathbf{R}$ be a real-valued function on
    $D$. The function $f$ is said to be \emph{continuous} on
    $D$ if, for all $\epsilon > 0$ and for all $x \in D$,
    there exists some $\delta > 0$ (which may depend on $x$)
    such that if $y \in D$ satisfies
    \[ |y - x| < \delta \]
    \[ |f(y) - f(x)| < \epsilon. \]
    One may readily verify that if $f$ and $g$ are continuous
    functions on $D$ then the functions $f+g$, $f-g$ and
    $f.g$ are continuous. If in addition $g$ is everywhere
    non-zero then $f/g$ is continuous.
    Save this content to test.tex named file . 
    3.latex test.tex (for compiling)
    4.xdvi test.dvi & (for seeing output)
    5.pdflatex test.tex  (for generating output)
    6.htlatex text.tex (for getting output in html file)
    To install htlatex in ubuntu type (sudo apt install tex4ht 

How it feels like reading a book in a kindle reader?

Recently I have a amazon kindle reader as gift from my little brother. Though I am in temptation to have one for 3 years. One of my friend ...