শুক্রবার, ৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

NS2 network simulator pros and cons

1. To install in Ubuntu-16.04 use the following commands
sudo apt-get install ns2  
        sudo apt-get install xgraph
2. For installing nam you have to download it from here (in ubuntu repositories nam is depricated .
Ubuntu 64 bits
Ubuntu 32 bits

3. Now run the following command to install nam
cd ~/Downloads
        sudo dpkg --install  nam_1.14_amd64.deb (for 64 bit ubuntu)
        sudo dpkg --install  nam_1.15-10_i386.deb (for 32 bit ubuntu)

4. Now restart you terminal and run the command
It will show % as output which indicates you have successfully installed ns2 program .

To run a tcl program in ns2
 1. Download ns-simple.tcl  program . And run following commands in terminal
cd ~/Downloads
ns ns-simple.tcl
Now you should see the output in nam animator .

For getting started with ns2
1. For tutorial and documentation
NS2 Documentation

2. For 2000 examples of tcl program


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